вторник, 18 ноября 2008 г.


on of the most my usefull web is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
on this web i can find any information wich i want to. and today i dicided to read more about public relations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_relations.

but also on russian example of wikipedia have writen about different types of pr:
"black pr"- using "black techologue" ( lie) , for make a bad opinion about competition sides.
"yeallow pr"-using, in order to attract attention, insulting to the majority of the population of the State elements.
"gray pr"- advertising (positive or negative), hiding its source. Unlike the «black PR», not a direct lie about their origins. Also under gray PR sometimes understand the variety of indirect black PR, does not contain direct lies and aimed at the subconscious retsepienta. For example, when the material about the murder separately mention that it occurred near the office of a certain organization or in his native village of some well-known personality.
"white pr"-phrase appeared to demonstrate the concept, a contrast to the black PR, which is open advertising on their own behalf. PR in a narrow sense.
"SelfPR"- advertising yourself , often anonymous.
"brown pr" - something reletive neofascism and fascism propaganda.
"green pr" - socially responsible PR
"viral pr" - the term «viral» means in the context of an autonomous proliferation. Based on the needs of the people to share interesting information with their friends and acquaintances.

There to many different types of pr!!!
i didn't dicide yet in wich pr i wanna work , but any way the advertising is very interesting as well..


on wikipedia i have find many helpful information.

In london i ve found one russian writer Pelevin in english about pr , the book called "Genetration P" and i m starting to read it)))

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