понедельник, 17 ноября 2008 г.

As you know i'm from Russia.
in my country a lot of good universities.
I'm from Ekaterinburg, and there is one of the most famous university. I's called UPU-Ural Polytechnic University.
there used to study famous people like Boris Elcin- russian ex-presedent. He made russia beter and regrettably Boris Elcin died.

Also in UPU used to study Kostia Сzy- russian boxer. Ex-absolute champion of the world (according to WBC / WBA / IBF). Double winner youth soccer world boxing champion of Europe among fans. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

The largest people studing is accounting, banking, pr, arts. The interst in subjects have been change for a long time ago. for example my parents studied commodity. in the past people were think about how to alive , but now people thinking only about money. They lost moral values. Nowadays it 's doesn't meter male or female , and what they are study.Now is equality, freedom of speech.
As i said as people are loosing moral value , structure of work is make more money. i m talking about at least. i hope we can find some persons who are not thinking about money and choose work for the pleasure. Some of people choose their work becouse of parents. like to continie the family bisness.

I'm going to study in the future public relations, becouse of money , and our word built on adv. i'm interesting in it.

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