вторник, 4 ноября 2008 г.

I finished my reserch)))

Over the past few years, the British Universities revenue increased 50%. As shown by statistics, the bulk of revenue - fees which pays foreign student. 88% of all university students come from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. China - the leader among the countries where the UK comes more foreign students. Also, this country - one of the most popular in education for students of the European Union. The number of universities with a greater proportion of foreign students has also increased. In 2001-2002 the number of international students in higher educational institutions of Britain was five thousand, while the 2006 - 2007 years this figure increased to fourteen thousand. All of them know about their county, at least about politics, economy, social problems, and finances. But foreign student don’t know about politics problem in country where they are study. Many universities try to solve this problem, makes different courses, debates. For example in London Metropolitan University has student helps, also teacher trying to do they best, because they understand for foreign students to difficult to join English culture. However, in spite of teachers and university support student don’t interesting in politics problem.
21 people from Pre-sessional Academic English Course were asked about their interest in politics.

Pic 1
The following chart shows, less then a half of respondents aged 18-21, nearly the half aged 22-26, and several students bigger 27 years old. (pic1). Also respondent man is bigger in twice than interviewed woman. (pic2)


All of students from different countries, nationalities, religion, but anyway they are study on English course in London Metropolitan University. But 3 of respondents from Japan, also 2 interviewed from Italy, another students from different countries.

Graph shows, more then 50% of interviewed don’t have any political belief, in contrast 5 student has liberal looks, a few respondents has democratic opinion, whereas socialism interesting just small part of student. (pic3) On this graph have terrible result; nearly 90% of respondents don’t consist in any political party. What shows that most students don’t interesting in politic in their own country. (pic4)


Because of new generation don’t interesting in politic; more then half of respondents don’t need more information in London free newspapers. And only 33% of foreign students like to read about politics.

If on Pre-sessional English course studying only students, who are over 18, than can vote on local election, but more then a half questionnaire didn’t vote in the last local election. Most of the responded, as a U.K. resident student, try to find some excuse for don’t vote in election in their country. (pic5)

Nearly the half respondents don’t interesting in U.K. political speeches in the London Metropolitan University. Although, 7 in 21 would like to discus about economic problem, because of the most student study it. Anyway 23% more interviewed care about social life, and want to join this topic in political speech. (pic6)

In Pre-sessional English course people are from different nationalities. Some of them are more faithful. Diagram shows huge differences, almost 60% of responded said that religion belief might influence on your politics choices, however 8 in 21 answered that it doesn’t.
Most of the students never heard about Student Union, and just small part know about it through the internet or friend.

Research shows the most student do not interesting in politics, if they wouldn’t study it in a future. Again it’s proved, new generation don’t interesting in politics. And year by year interest would be less and less. Maybe if foreign student will be more interesting in political problems, they would know:"New rules to combat any potential abuse affect until two areas: student visas and visas for the spouses of British nationals" - said Tony Blair during his monthly press conference at Downing Street. "We will fight the abuse. We have asked universities and colleges to inform immigration authorities when a student does not attend courses or have a suspicion that the training they received visas for other purposes," - British Prime added. What can rapidly increase the the level of diligence students.

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