четверг, 27 ноября 2008 г.

i m listening radio 1

and the main topic is " How is it sexy when english speaking French?"
and women says yes , that's really sexy.
i think French , anyway , is very beautyfull language, language of love))


Media is way to report information to audience. Consist of different types like: TV, radio, newspapers, advertising. Media makes people believe in some products, ideas, opinion. Nowadays, media is everywhere. People think many ways to give information to the audience, such as movies, billboard, and books. Media adapts to the customer. It does know what they want. Today media makes people want, what tomorrow won’t popular. People are influenced of Media, and they can’t understand it. People know the word from advert McDonald’s better then anthem of they own country. Everyone thinking that they are choosing a product, but it is not truth, product is choosing you. This essay will discuss how is media can influence on people minds.

вторник, 25 ноября 2008 г.

not alone

Hey hey!
I know that I making many mistakes
I need improve it
Change it
I will! Only I know what I can), but my lazy side interrupting me
I lost all of my ideas… which was previous year. I don‘t know where to find inspiration.
Even I went for a walk I could find man ideas, something become into my mind.
Now… nothing..
Maybe, because, I’m not impressionable anymore.
I like to write what in my mind, I can’t tell it. For me it’s easier to write it down. And after few times I raid it again, and I’m in shock, I can’t believe that I wrote it, that this is in my mind. When I start to write something I become in another world. In my world. I love this world, because there are no painful, nothing what can bit me or make me sad, no love, nothing, just me, my opinion about world.
England really have change me. I didn’t eat meat, now, I can’t live without that . I grew up. I make up my mind. i started to think about stuff which couldn’t become in my mind in the past. I started to treat more easier to the world, to the people.
I noticed that my inspiration is coming back) it’s a bit hard, but it’s works.

понедельник, 24 ноября 2008 г.

visit russia

Russia is a country with big and deep history.
Russia is a biggest country in the world.
Moskow is the capital city, and it's tourist city . Also St. Petersburg, becouse twoof this city is close to europe and more europeasian. Yekaterinburg is third biggest city in Russia , it's located on Ural Mountains, and there is n so many tourists.
Different people, with different interests are visiting Russia. Someone just for look at historical sights, some to snowbording or skying. Russia is developing very fast, and foreighn investors comming to build a new building.


I think during last month my English increased) i really glad, ofcourse i still have some problems, but i ll try my best))


my favourite radio http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/
but it's a bit hard to understand what are they talking about))

there too many ways for plagiarism, but anyway we can t stop it. student will plagiate, becouse we can find student which a lazy, of just dont have they own idea.
for example, if my muse will visit i can write my thoughtы in hours))

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."Albert Einstein

"The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague." Bill Cosby

"Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better"George Santayana

"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising." Mark Twain

"What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public; ethical advertising uses truth to deceive the public."Vilhjalmur Stefansson

"All would live long, but none would be old." Benjamin Franklin

"Avoiding the phrase "I don't have time...", will soon help you to realize that you do have the time needed for just about anything you choose to accomplish in life." Bo Bennett

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."Confucius

вторник, 18 ноября 2008 г.


on of the most my usefull web is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
on this web i can find any information wich i want to. and today i dicided to read more about public relations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_relations.

but also on russian example of wikipedia have writen about different types of pr:
"black pr"- using "black techologue" ( lie) , for make a bad opinion about competition sides.
"yeallow pr"-using, in order to attract attention, insulting to the majority of the population of the State elements.
"gray pr"- advertising (positive or negative), hiding its source. Unlike the «black PR», not a direct lie about their origins. Also under gray PR sometimes understand the variety of indirect black PR, does not contain direct lies and aimed at the subconscious retsepienta. For example, when the material about the murder separately mention that it occurred near the office of a certain organization or in his native village of some well-known personality.
"white pr"-phrase appeared to demonstrate the concept, a contrast to the black PR, which is open advertising on their own behalf. PR in a narrow sense.
"SelfPR"- advertising yourself , often anonymous.
"brown pr" - something reletive neofascism and fascism propaganda.
"green pr" - socially responsible PR
"viral pr" - the term «viral» means in the context of an autonomous proliferation. Based on the needs of the people to share interesting information with their friends and acquaintances.

There to many different types of pr!!!
i didn't dicide yet in wich pr i wanna work , but any way the advertising is very interesting as well..


on wikipedia i have find many helpful information.

In london i ve found one russian writer Pelevin in english about pr , the book called "Genetration P" and i m starting to read it)))

понедельник, 17 ноября 2008 г.

As you know i'm from Russia.
in my country a lot of good universities.
I'm from Ekaterinburg, and there is one of the most famous university. I's called UPU-Ural Polytechnic University.
there used to study famous people like Boris Elcin- russian ex-presedent. He made russia beter and regrettably Boris Elcin died.

Also in UPU used to study Kostia Сzy- russian boxer. Ex-absolute champion of the world (according to WBC / WBA / IBF). Double winner youth soccer world boxing champion of Europe among fans. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

The largest people studing is accounting, banking, pr, arts. The interst in subjects have been change for a long time ago. for example my parents studied commodity. in the past people were think about how to alive , but now people thinking only about money. They lost moral values. Nowadays it 's doesn't meter male or female , and what they are study.Now is equality, freedom of speech.
As i said as people are loosing moral value , structure of work is make more money. i m talking about at least. i hope we can find some persons who are not thinking about money and choose work for the pleasure. Some of people choose their work becouse of parents. like to continie the family bisness.

I'm going to study in the future public relations, becouse of money , and our word built on adv. i'm interesting in it.

понедельник, 10 ноября 2008 г.


okay, i got a lot s of news))
firstly, i was ill about 5 days! i got a temperature, and cough. cough i still have its bronhit i cant do anything.. i take a medicine every day but it's question of time.
secondly, with my illness i was invited on one of my friend bday) and i came but i ve been there no more then 2 hours. it was realy fun) we ve been in nice Bulgarian restaurant.

thirdly, today i ve been on exhibitor of Andy Warhol and Robin Rhode.OMG!!! it was fantastic!!!! Andy Warhol is popartis and director. i haven't seen his movies , but his picture is really cool!!!

ROBIN RHODE is amezing as well !!!


Finally , i dicide that i 'm really really fat! 2day also i went in a gym and there was my first lesson of pilates
now! i'm on protein diet. i hope i will be better! i want it then i will do it!)

P.S i'm goin to watch "THE SIMPSONS" , i ve been watching it about 3 weeks .. i become like homer... ha haha))

OH!!!! i forget tmr i 'm goin to Kayne West concert))) i'm so exating!!!
i just can't wait till tuuuuuesday))

вторник, 4 ноября 2008 г.

I finished my reserch)))

Over the past few years, the British Universities revenue increased 50%. As shown by statistics, the bulk of revenue - fees which pays foreign student. 88% of all university students come from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. China - the leader among the countries where the UK comes more foreign students. Also, this country - one of the most popular in education for students of the European Union. The number of universities with a greater proportion of foreign students has also increased. In 2001-2002 the number of international students in higher educational institutions of Britain was five thousand, while the 2006 - 2007 years this figure increased to fourteen thousand. All of them know about their county, at least about politics, economy, social problems, and finances. But foreign student don’t know about politics problem in country where they are study. Many universities try to solve this problem, makes different courses, debates. For example in London Metropolitan University has student helps, also teacher trying to do they best, because they understand for foreign students to difficult to join English culture. However, in spite of teachers and university support student don’t interesting in politics problem.
21 people from Pre-sessional Academic English Course were asked about their interest in politics.

Pic 1
The following chart shows, less then a half of respondents aged 18-21, nearly the half aged 22-26, and several students bigger 27 years old. (pic1). Also respondent man is bigger in twice than interviewed woman. (pic2)


All of students from different countries, nationalities, religion, but anyway they are study on English course in London Metropolitan University. But 3 of respondents from Japan, also 2 interviewed from Italy, another students from different countries.

Graph shows, more then 50% of interviewed don’t have any political belief, in contrast 5 student has liberal looks, a few respondents has democratic opinion, whereas socialism interesting just small part of student. (pic3) On this graph have terrible result; nearly 90% of respondents don’t consist in any political party. What shows that most students don’t interesting in politic in their own country. (pic4)


Because of new generation don’t interesting in politic; more then half of respondents don’t need more information in London free newspapers. And only 33% of foreign students like to read about politics.

If on Pre-sessional English course studying only students, who are over 18, than can vote on local election, but more then a half questionnaire didn’t vote in the last local election. Most of the responded, as a U.K. resident student, try to find some excuse for don’t vote in election in their country. (pic5)

Nearly the half respondents don’t interesting in U.K. political speeches in the London Metropolitan University. Although, 7 in 21 would like to discus about economic problem, because of the most student study it. Anyway 23% more interviewed care about social life, and want to join this topic in political speech. (pic6)

In Pre-sessional English course people are from different nationalities. Some of them are more faithful. Diagram shows huge differences, almost 60% of responded said that religion belief might influence on your politics choices, however 8 in 21 answered that it doesn’t.
Most of the students never heard about Student Union, and just small part know about it through the internet or friend.

Research shows the most student do not interesting in politics, if they wouldn’t study it in a future. Again it’s proved, new generation don’t interesting in politics. And year by year interest would be less and less. Maybe if foreign student will be more interesting in political problems, they would know:"New rules to combat any potential abuse affect until two areas: student visas and visas for the spouses of British nationals" - said Tony Blair during his monthly press conference at Downing Street. "We will fight the abuse. We have asked universities and colleges to inform immigration authorities when a student does not attend courses or have a suspicion that the training they received visas for other purposes," - British Prime added. What can rapidly increase the the level of diligence students.

понедельник, 3 ноября 2008 г.

Yeah, i need a lot's of stuff to improve, but i would try my best.

from library today i borough a book which can make my academic ang general english higher.

the book called " Public Relations in Practice"

i really hope that i will finish it during a week, cos i m a bit lazy)) 

2day smth wrong with cos when i came after school i clened up whole my flat.. aready 7 pm and i just finished it)) whoo hoo!!!! i'm master))) 

Analyse of myabilities and needs