понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.

Task 8. Topic public relations.
Part2 /
a) Proactive public relations means staying involved with company publics and looking for opportunities to demonstrate good will.
c) One example of proactive pr is Luck Stone. That company is donating money to replace 70 trees in a Richmond, Va. city park. Nearly 300 trees in that one park were destroyed by the hurricanes that battered Virginia and the southeast part of the country this past year. The company's public relations person said that when they learned of the damage, they called and asked how they could help.

Task 11.
I decided to find some information in internet about plagiarism.
Plagiarism - the willful stealing of someone else's authorship of works of science or art or invention. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and patent law and as such may lead to legal liability. On the other hand, plagiarism is possible in areas which are not covered by any forms of intellectual property, for example, in mathematics and other basic scientific disciplines. The most frequently plagiarism is the publication of the name of another person's work or other people's ideas, but also to draw the fragments of other people's works without identifying the source of borrowing. An indication of plagiarism is the attribution of authorship. Improper use, publication, copying, etc. works protected by copyright, by itself is not plagiarism, if such use, despite its illegality, the author indicates a valid work.
In the XVII century in France was even a kind of academic plagiarism, such as LA MOTTE LES Vaye asserting that «to borrow from the old - like to make a sea incursion, but bleed contemporaries - like a great way to rob», among other means of compensation for lack of creativity and said «plagiarism», which is in a consistent replacement of all Expressions of stolen phrase synonymous. The greatest writers of that era did not see anything wrong with borrowing. Moliere that had to «game of Skapena» almost exactly a scene from Serrano de Bergerac was responding to criticisms famous words: «I am taking a good wherever I find it» (Fr. «Je prends mon bien où je le trouve»). Several previous Shakespeare on the stage, pulled them entirely from the other, said: «This is a girl, whom I found in the mud and put in a higher light». We know that Shakespeare took from others, not only the stage but also a lot of individual poems. The adoption of laws on copyright protection has made the problem of plagiarism in a purely art in the legal and commercial problems. Currently, almost all states have laws prohibiting the misappropriation of copyright. Violations of these laws can lead to serious sanctions, including imprisonment. But I think that some people don’t have they own ideas, and sometimes it’s very useful to take quote of clever people. To show that you are interested in, that you was working hard to find a good words.
Task 15.
Online lecture : What is it marketing?
The first form of marketing activities (pricing policies and advertising) can be found at the very beginning of the formation and development of commodity money .. Information on the advertising of goods found in ancient Egypt, and in the states of ancient Mesopotamia.
in 1650, a member of a Japanese trading company Mitsui opens in Tokyo on something like a department store, which he first uses some of the basic principles of marketing, such as collecting information about the supply and demand on various products, a preliminary order running production of goods, the existence of the warranty period, during which the buyer has the right to return goods and get back their money, advertising.
The theoretical basis of marketing as an independent science that exists at the intersection of economics, ethics, sociology and psychology of the government, were created by the Americans Cyrus Makkormikom (1809 - 1844). In the stories he is known as the designer of the first harvester. With only a technical education, he set up such lines of marketing, as the study and market analysis, the basic principles and the principles of choice economic policies and services that led to the prosperity of his company "International Harvester."
Task 8. Topic public relations.
Part2 /
a) Proactive public relations means staying involved with company publics and looking for opportunities to demonstrate good will.
c) One example of proactive pr is Luck Stone. That company is donating money to replace 70 trees in a Richmond, Va. city park. Nearly 300 trees in that one park were destroyed by the hurricanes that battered Virginia and the southeast part of the country this past year. The company's public relations person said that when they learned of the damage, they called and asked how they could help.

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