понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.

task 10


Nowadays, it’s possible to see marked changes in science and technology, due to phenomena of globalization. The definition of globalization is a process of increasing the impact of various factors of international importance (for example, closer economic and political ties, cultural and information exchanges) to the social realities in individual countries. It’s clear that globalization has had an in impact on areas such as the development of new technology, improving in communications and also improvements In media. This essay aims to present a balanced view of the influenced of globalization. in this three areas by summarizing the effects of globalization on them and discussing of advantages and disadvantages which globalization has brought in media.

Development of New Technology
During the last century there was a great progress of development of new technology but not all of them benefit our life some of them are even dangerous. The bright example of it is nuclear weapon which is a weapon of mass distraction however on the contrary it also appears as a weapon of self protection. For instance when USA used nuclear weapons to destroy Hiroshima they killed almost whole population of this town. But on the other side, who knows how long would it has taken to the Second World War to finish without this event. Moreover, there are several other examples of new technology which benefited our life. One of them is internet which appears a s a useful and quick way of sending and getting any information. Furthermore online dictionaries, books and encyclopedias are available all the time which makes people more educated and provides any necessary information quickly. Tvs, cars and plains are also the examples of new technology which benefit our life significantly.
Nowadays many people argue that creation of new technologies has benefited our life. From my point of view it is true on one side. Development of new technologies makes communication easier. People in absolutely different places can communicate to each other easily. Development is a continuous non-stop process which means that in recent years scientists may create technologies that would push science on the new level.
Furthermore, development of new technologies provokes competition which keeps prices low and stable, and thereby benefits the consumer. Although there are many advantages in development of new technology, there are negative thing which develop parallel to the new technologies. One of those is noise and land pollution from the transport. One of the most polluting ways of travelling is by plain. The cost of flying is too low in compares ant with damages it brings to environment and unfortunately there are no substitutes for flying yet.

Improving in Communications
The way that people communicate with each other has changed significantly during the last century. Nowadays people cannot imagine their life without high speed internet, text messages, skype, facebook etc. These are really convenient ways of communication. However people are so get used to the internet that they do not bother to communicate with the real people, read books, go out etc.
Teenagers use internet a lot and they are making online friends with whom they could share their ideas and emotions however these young people lost the skill of real face to face communication. That cases emotional problems because children become unsociable. Moreover online chats are places where these children can become a victim of maniacs who would use children’s trustfulness.
Improving in Media
There are many examples of media which influence our life significantly. TV, leaflets, billboards, magazines, newspapers became indefeasible part of our life . People are coming home after work and they could just switch on the TV and get the latest new. However advertisement on the TV and in the magazines has a major influence on the peoples’ mind. People become nicotine and alcohol addicted. Couple of years ago the tobacco adverts were band however the owner of the Formula 1 had paid Labor party and the Formula 1 now could advert Marlboro cigarettes on their race cars. The advertising of alcohol also was band however the manufacturers of Vodka Putinka create an affair. The had crashed the car with Vodka and this news were spread all over the world. It was seen on TV and might have been listened on the radio. That was even better advert than the usual one.
Furthermore, teenager who copies the models in the magazines becomes anorexic. People are also victims of films and video games which influence their mind. They become aggressive and sometimes mentally ill. To prove that I would like to mention a story of a young boy who killed his mother and then father and finally end up with suicide. Of course we need to be aware of his biography to find the reason for his violent behavior however the family friend sad that this boy had changed since his dad bought him a video game. He abandons the school and became aggressive towards his parent and their effort to take the video game off the boy failed.
On the contrary mass media makes people aware of what happening in the world, history and science. The Discovery channel and History channel are operating every day. Social advertising such as promotion of condoms, to prevent aids, damages to health which is caused by smoking and drugs. Also the liver gets damaged the by drinking alcohol. This has been shown on most of the TV channels which helps to make people aware of these problems and abandon bad habits of help others do so.
Despite a major amount of advantages and disadvantages of media’s globalization it helps economy growth. It also makes people aware of what happening in the world and makes people participate in politics. But otherwise globalization brings some bad habits. But anyway it’s problem for centuries , and to answer for all questions can’t do no one .

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